array:29 [
  "lastname" => null
  "firstname" => null
  "email" => null
  "last_passwd_gen" => null
  "birthday" => null
  "newsletter" => null
  "newsletter_date_add" => null
  "ip_registration_newsletter" => null
  "optin" => null
  "website" => null
  "company" => null
  "siret" => null
  "ape" => null
  "outstanding_allow_amount" => 0
  "max_payment_days" => 0
  "note" => null
  "is_guest" => 0
  "id_shop" => null
  "id_shop_group" => null
  "id_default_group" => 1
  "date_add" => null
  "date_upd" => null
  "reset_password_token" => null
  "reset_password_validity" => null
  "id" => null
  "is_logged" => false
  "gender" => array:3 [
    "type" => null
    "name" => null
    "id" => null
  "risk" => array:4 [
    "name" => null
    "color" => null
    "percent" => null
    "id" => null
  "addresses" => []

We recommend that you take note of the information given in the description of each item.


International size conversion
International XS S M L XL
France (FR) 34 36 38 40 42
Italy (IT) 38 40 42 44 46
England (GB) 6 8 10 12 14
United States (USA) 2 4 6 8 10
China (PRC) S M L XL XXL


International size conversion
International XS S M L XL
France (FR) 34 36 38 40 42
Italy (IT) 38 40 42 44 46
England (GB) 6 8 10 12 14
United States (USA) 2 4 6 8 10
China ( PRC) 5 7 9 11 13


Foot size (cm)Size FRSize UKSize USSize IT
22.4 35 2.5 4 34
22.7 35.5 3 4.5 34.5
23 36 3.5 5 35
23.4 36.5 4 5.5 35.5
23.7 37 4 5.5 36
24 37.5 4.5 6 36.5
24.4 38 5 6.5 37
24.7 38.5 5.5 7 37.5
25 39 5.5 7.5 38
25.4 39.5 6 7.5 38.5
25.7 40 6.5 8 39
26 40.5 7 8.5 39.5
26.4 41 7.5 9 40
26.7 41.5 7.5 9.5 40.5
27 42 8 9.5 41
27.4 42.5 8.5 10 41.5
27.7 43 9 10.5 42