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Reference : 9829 Brand : Grungemama

Boots Masha bicolore

€82.92 €207.29
Product available with different options

The two-tone Masha Grugnemama is a pair of cowboy boots that will give you a look from the USA. Cowboy boots but resolutely rock. We love the fact that they don't come in a plain color, so they can be the centerpiece of your outfit. We love originality at Grungemama!

Description :



Pointed toe

Zip closure 

Beveled heels 

Heel: 8 cm

Upper: 19 cm

Composition and Care:

100% Leather 

Waterproofing spray should be applied every one to two weeks.

Size guide: 

Take your usual size

Nathalie wears a size 38 and measures 168 cm

Photograph retouched, colors may vary slightly depending on the light