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Reference : 8689 Brand : Grungemama

Sac Lisia grungemama noir


Lisia grungemama black bag a Grungemama creation, we are so proud to present it to you. This SATCHEL BAG has been handmade in bovine leather. The lisia bag is both chic and casual, it can be worn as a shoulder bag for a more functional look or on the shoulder for a more distinguished look. It will be the ideal companion for every occasion.

100% cowhide leather

polyester lining

Grungemama design

gold inscription Grungemama on the inside

Adjustable leather and gold metal handle

Snap closure

One inside pocket with gold closure

Sold with a Grungemama dust bag

Dimensions : Width 22cm / Height : 17cm / Thickness : 8 cm

Height of the handle at the longest 45 cm / at the shortest 38 cm

Retouched photograph

Also available in cognac