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Reference : 10243 Brand : Grungemama

Pull Grungemama Lucia rose


We've fallen for the new Grungemama knitwear. It's a jumper that'll keep you company throughout the winter season, and add a little pizzazz to your outfit. Wear it with different bottoms, whether jeans or a skirt, or over a flowing dress that you belt for a edgier look.

Description :
Grungemama creation
Round neckline 
Soft knit
Intarsia Grunge/Mama
Ribbed neckline, hem and cuffs
Available in different colours

Composition, Origin and Care :
40 % Acrylique / 30% Mohair/ 30% polyamide
Made in Italy
Wash on a delicate programme, cold, do not tumble dry

Size guide :
One size: fits 34 to 42/44
Back length: 66 cm / Underarm width flat: 69 cm
Nathalie wears one size and measures 168 cm

Photograph retouched, colours may vary slightly depending on the light