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Opening of our new shop in Madrid

Save the date ! 12/01/2023...

grungemama pull einar madrid boutique

When ? December 1, 2023

Where ? 69 rue de Lagasca - Madrid

An event that takes on a sacred dimension... in my life... At the age of 20, right after my birthday... so 32 years ago, I set off with the CEO of the international Weishardt company, Monsieur Jean Luc Jolimaitre... to discover Madrid.... I was staying with a Spanish family, friends of friends of my parents, in Parla, a small dormitory town 25 minutes from Madrid... every weekend, I would explore the streets of Madrid, the museums, the historic sites... From this was born my love for the language of this country and for their way of life: las tapas... the whole family, parents, children, grandparents on the street in the evening to "tomar una copa"... I did a 2-month internship there, and the following year I returned to work there in the summer...

In 2015, before creating Grungemama, I considered moving to Barcelona to open a boutique... we had visited the French school in Sitges for children... the crisis Spain was going through at the time made me change my mind... and instead I designed the Grungemama website in France... 

Today, my desire to travel, to open up to the world... naturally led me to think of Madrid... we went back there with Sébastien at the beginning of the year... and I was won over more than ever by this hectic city... 32 years later, I'm back to open a Grungemama boutique... this event is very symbolic for me... it's as if I were going back to square one after one, or even several lives, being married twice, having my children and creating GM... wow!

So it's with great pleasure that we're preparing this opening... the date is set today... will you be there? I'm also inviting all the French girls to come for a weekend to celebrate... the city is extraordinary... (a city guide with the places I've been will be available) and I hope the party will be great ❤

grungemama manteau deneuve madrid boutique